Migrating Made Easy with Plesk Onyx

Plesk Onyx
When it comes to migrating websites from one server to another, for example as part of an upgrade, or to change web hosts entirely, the Migration & Transfer Manager with Plesk Onyxmakes the process pretty easy.

Prerequisite for migration:

Plesk must be installed on both servers.

The new or destination web server must be able to connect to the existing source host by SSH. A root username and password is a must, and any firewalls that may be configured on the source, needs to allow the destination full root access. Without this, the migration tool can't be used.

Any accounts, databases or server configuration created not using Plesk, will also not be migrated.

Duing setup, Plesk will perform 'pre-migration' checks. This step compares services and packages that are installed on both the source and destination server, and flags up any inconsistencies. For example, if the destination server does not have a required PHP version, it will advise and allow you to either install the version, or give you the option to use a pre-installed version. Other premigration checks include missing Apache web server modules, and IP configuration.

Once you're happy, you simply have to click the button and Plesk does the rest of the work for you. The migration process creates user accounts, copies over website content, including databases, creates mailboxes and copies over their content.

As the migration is a copy only, you are then able to preview and test the sites on the new server before committing to finalising the migration. The testing can be a lengthy process, depending on how many websites you have.

As some time may have passed during the initial data copy and the testing process, Plesk has a feature that allows you to re-sync the data. Instead of sending over all content again, it will copy over changed data only. For example, email that may have come in during this time, or websites with dynamic content, i.e. Word Press sites. One thing to be cautious of is that the re-sync option will NOT copy over any new accounts or databases that have been created since the initial migration. If new databases or user accounts have been created on your existing server, a full migration will need to take place again.

If changing hosting provider entirely, DNS changes are required for the domains. If using the manager to simply move from one server to another locally, Plesk also has an IP migration tool. This process involves adding your existing IP address to Plesk, then running the ‘reconfigurator’, that will reconfigure the server and configuration files to reflect this change. This is particularly handy as it removes the requirement for multiple zone file changes. Using Plesk migration tools enables you to upgrade your server or change hosting provider, whilst allowing you to make sure that sites will run smoothly before the final changes take place.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team on 0808 1 333 247 or click on the button below to submit a support ticket.

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Friday, February 23, 2018

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