Updating Domain Name Expiration Dates in Plesk

When you set up domain names in Plesk, the default domain name renewal date is set to one year. Once this time passes the domain will become in active and you may receive a notificatioin such as:

"The validity period of domain 'example.com', owned by user account 'admin' (Contact name 'John Smith') is about to expire."

To Update Domain Name Expiration Dates in Plesk please do the following:

  1. Log in to your Parallels Plesk Panel as admin.
  2. Click Subscriptions, and then click the domain name you want to update the expiration date for.
  3. Click Customize.
  4. Update the expiration date within the 'Expiration Date' section. (To stop the dopmain expiring, select 'unlimited')
  5. Click Update & Lock.
  6. If the domain has become inactive then click 'Activate' to unsuspend the domain.

  • Plesk, Domain
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