The Trust Factor 

With regular and well publicised cyber security breaches in 2017, online shoppers are becoming more security conscious, and will look for trust and security reassurance before continuing their online journey.

“45% of shoppers will choose one retailer over another if they feel the checkout process is more secure”
David Jeffery – Director of Fraud and Security at Barclaycard

Gain Immediate Trust - 
Extended Validation (EV) Secure Socket Layer (SSL)

An EV SSL certificate offers the highest available levels of authentication and trust to your website - giving online shoppers the confidence to progress through the site, and complete their transaction.

If you require further information regarding EV SSL certificates, cyber security, anti-virus, or any of our managed hosting services, please contact us on 0800 1 777 000 or you can submit a support ticket by clicking on the box below.



CWCS are here to look after your online infrastructure, so you can look after your business!

Sabado, Outubro 7, 2017

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