A Look Back...

Data breaches and major ransomware attacks have been a constant threat in 2017, and predictions for 2018 suggest that malicious attacks are about to get more sophisticated.

As your managed hosting provider, CWCS are committed to keeping our customers aware of the latest cybersecurity threats, together with recommending the most robust defences against cybercrime. We have communicated this information throughout 2017 via our blog posts , social channels and monthly newsletters.

In addition to cybersecurity, The GDPR featured heavily in our 2017 communications, highlighting some key areas to help our customers with compliance preparations.

A Look Ahead...

Looking ahead into 2018, our commitment to cybersecurity and the most robust solutions will naturally continue. We will also provide customers with more GDPR compliance articles, in particular focusing on Article 28 – demonstrating compliance, and third party processor agreements.

On behalf of everyone at CWCS Managed Hosting, we would like to thank you for your ongoing support and wish you a cyber safe, regulation compliant, and prosperous New Year! 


CWCS are here to look after your online infrastructure, so you can look after your business!

Среда, Декабрь 20, 2017

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