Enable Passive FTP Plesk

This guide explains how to enable passive FTP transfer mode on servers with Plesk.

Part 1 - Configure FTP Server

  1. Login as “root” user on the server over using SSH

  2. Edit your ProFTPD configuration file

  3. [optional] Backup the file:

    cp /etc/proftpd.conf cp /etc/proftpd.conf~
  4. Edit /etc/proftpd.conf (this example uses vi, please feel free to use nano or any other editor you are comfortable with):

    vi /etc/proftpd.conf

  5. In the [Global] section, add the following line:

    PassivePorts 49101 49150

  6. Save the file

Part 2 - Open ports in Plesk Firewall

  1. Log in to Plesk as “admin” user, go to Server* > Firewall, and click Edit Firewall Configuration

  2. Click Add Custom Rule

  3. Specify the following:

    • Properties
      • Name of the rule: Allow Passive FTP
      • Match direction: Incoming
      • Action: Allow
    • Ports
      • Add port or port range: 49101-49150
      • TCP: Selected
    • Click Add

  4. Click OK

  5. Click Apply Configuration

  6. Click Activate

* If you have an older version of Plesk, the firewall is located in the Modules section, and the wording may differ slightly.

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